- PSAKU International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (ISSN 2286-959X)
- Asian Political Science Review (ISSN 2351-0862)
- Asian Administration and Management Review (ISSN 2539-6331)
- RSU International Journal of College of Government (ISSN 2351-0854)
- Journal of Interdisciplinary Research: Graduate Studies (ISSN 2286-7252)
ISSN 2286-959X
PSAKU International Journal
of Interdisciplinary Research
is an international double blind peer reviewed journal published biyearly by the Political Science Association of Kasetsart University, Thailand. The aim of PSAKUIJIR is to promote new discoveries in the various disciplines of knowledge, within and across sciences and technologies and humanities and social sciences, which are contributed by researchers and experts from all over the world. Therefore, the editors dedicated to providing a venue for both academics and practitioners to publish their original research articles and reviews in English.
ISSN 2351-0862
Asian Political Science Review
Asian Political Science Review (APSR) is an international double blind peer reviewed journal published biyearly by the Political Science Association of Kasetsart University, Thailand in cooperation with the Department of Governmental Studies, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Indonesia. The aim of APSR is to promote new discoveries in all fields of political science (including government, public administration, international relations and criminal justice administration), and articles from scholars in related disciplines (sociology, social psychology, economics and philosophy), which are contributed by researchers and experts from all over the world. Therefore, the editors dedicated to providing a venue for both academics and practitioners to publish their original research articles and reviews in English.
ISSN 2539-6331
Asian Administration and
Management Review
Asian Administration and Management Review (AAMR) is an international double blind peer reviewed journal published biyearly by the Political Science Association of Kasetsart University, Thailand in cooperation with the Faculty of Business Administration, Kasetsart University. The aim of AAMR is to promote new discoveries in all fields of administration, management and articles from scholars in related disciplines, which are contributed by researchers and experts from all over the world. Therefore, the editors dedicated to providing a venue for both academics and practitioners to publish their original research articles and reviews in English.
ISSN 2351-0854
RSU International Journal
of College of Government
is an international double blind peer reviewed journal published biyearly by the College of Government, Rangsit University, Thailand in cooperation with the Political Science Association of Kasetsart University. This journal aims to promote new discoveries in the various disciplines of knowledge, within and across political science, public administration, diplomacy and international studies, and criminology and criminal justice administration, which are contributed by researchers and experts from all over the world. Therefore, the editors dedicated to providing a venue for both academics and practitioners to publish their original research articles and reviews in English.
ISSN 2286-7252
Journal of Interdisciplinary
Research: Graduate Studies
is a national double blind peer reviewed journal published biyearly by the Political Science Association of Kasetsart University, Thailand. This journal aims to promote new discoveries in the various disciplines of knowledge, within and across sciences and technologies and humanities and social sciences, which are contributed by graduate students from all over the world. Therefore, the editors dedicated to providing a venue for both academics and practitioners to publish their original research articles and reviews in Thai.